Search for person "Tim Philipp Schäfers"

Dissecting HDMI
63 min

Dissecting HDMI

Developing open, FPGA-based capture hardware for conference…

Everything you want to know about x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask
57 min

Everything you want to know about x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask

An introduction into reverse-engineering x86 microcode and…

Scholz greift durch: Die AfD wird verboten - Deepfakes auch!
43 min

Scholz greift durch: Die AfD wird verboten - Deepfakes auch!

Das Zentrum für politische Schönheit und der Flyerservice…

How risky is the software you use?
58 min

How risky is the software you use?

CITL: Quantitative, Comparable Software Risk Reporting

Logbuch:Netzpolitik 311
58 min

Logbuch:Netzpolitik 311

I love you but I have chosen Datenschutz