Search for "Henry"

Ziviler Ungehorsam bis zum Gefängnis
67 min

Ziviler Ungehorsam bis zum Gefängnis

Die geistigen Grundlagen des Zivilen Ungehorsams und seine…

Policing the Romantic Crowd
38 min

Policing the Romantic Crowd

Velocipedes and Face Recognition

Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi
42 min

Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi

Data centers on indigenous land in Northern Europe

30 min


Afrofuturism, Telling tales of speculative futures

From Data-Mining via predictive Analytics to Surveillance Captitalism
44 min

From Data-Mining via predictive Analytics to Surveillance Captitalism

Knowledge against your thoughts - a new to digital slavery?

Space making/space shaping
33 min

Space making/space shaping

How mapping creates space, shapes cities and our view of…

The ArduGuitar
30 min

The ArduGuitar

An Arduino Powered Electric Guitar

Unlocking the Road Ahead: Automotive Digital Forensics
36 min

Unlocking the Road Ahead: Automotive Digital Forensics

A deep dive into an underrepresented research area

Mit, gegen oder jenseits von Politik?
66 min

Mit, gegen oder jenseits von Politik?

Eine Reflexion über den paradoxen anarchistischen…

Hacking the Czech Parliament via SMS
39 min

Hacking the Czech Parliament via SMS

A parliamentary drama of 223 actors