Search for "peter"

Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?
58 min

Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?

Possible paths from today's ghastly hackery to what…

Linux für die Massen
23 min

Linux für die Massen

Wie ich Otto Normalverbraucher zu Linux bringe.

Das neue gesetzliche Verbot des Hackings
64 min

Das neue gesetzliche Verbot des Hackings

Praktische Auswirkungen des neuen Strafrechtes, das in…

Sovereign Keys
64 min

Sovereign Keys

A proposal for fixing attacks on CAs and DNSSEC

Infrastruktur in Nutzerhand
13 min

Infrastruktur in Nutzerhand

Wir machen unsere eigene Twitter eG

Logging containers
36 min

Logging containers

Collecting host, docker and container logs centrally

libusb: Maintainer fail
30 min

libusb: Maintainer fail

How I failed to run an open source project

Collateral Damage
54 min

Collateral Damage

Consequences of Spam and Virus Filtering for the E-Mail…

Hardening hardware and choosing a #goodBIOS
47 min

Hardening hardware and choosing a #goodBIOS

Clean boot every boot - rejecting persistence of malicious…