Search for "Sid"

Lightning Talk: Storytelling: Master-Key zur besserer UX
10 min

Lightning Talk: Storytelling: Master-Key zur besserer UX

Angefangen von Neuronen bis hin zur Kreativität für…

Schnaps Hacking
38 min

Schnaps Hacking

from apple to schnaps -- a complete diy-toolchain

The blackbox in your phone
58 min

The blackbox in your phone

Some details about SIM cards

69 min


Verschwörungstheoretiker sind hinter mir her!

49 min


Introduction to SIP Hacking

AlekSIS®, das Schul-Informations-System
47 min

AlekSIS®, das Schul-Informations-System

Freiheit, transparenz und offene Organisation in der Schule

What could possibly go wrong with <insert x86 instruction here>?
55 min

What could possibly go wrong with <insert x86 instruction here>?

Side effects include side-channel attacks and bypassing…