Search for "Mo"

Independents unite! Inside the freelancers’ movement
55 min

Independents unite! Inside the freelancers’ movement

How to learn from online communities and coworking spaces…

Beyond Virtual and Augmented Reality
33 min

Beyond Virtual and Augmented Reality

From Superhuman Sports to Amplifying Human Senses

How hackers grind an MMORPG: by taking it apart!
54 min

How hackers grind an MMORPG: by taking it apart!

An introduction to reverse engineering network protocols

Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace
30 min

Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace

Cloud Computing, Assessment, and Fools like Me.

The Baseband Apocalypse
66 min

The Baseband Apocalypse

all your baseband are belong to us

Lightning Talks
17 min

Lightning Talks

Submit Your Talks at the Venue

21 min


A collection of network configuration libraries

Little Services, Big Risks
34 min

Little Services, Big Risks

Extending capability-based security models to achieve…

kubernetes for toasters?
30 min

kubernetes for toasters?

potential solutions to achieving containerization on…