Search for "Joe"

Malware Joe Blobs
63 min

Malware Joe Blobs

An overview of stuff that "Malware Joe" puts into his…

Our daily job: hacking the law
55 min

Our daily job: hacking the law

The key elements of policy hacking

Was haben Atome je für uns getan?
43 min

Was haben Atome je für uns getan?

I have lasers. You have atoms.

Was hat die PSD2 je für uns getan?
60 min

Was hat die PSD2 je für uns getan?

Pleiten, Pech und Pannen in der Zahlungsdiensteregulierung

Counselling Mischief as Thought Crime
46 min

Counselling Mischief as Thought Crime

Social Networks, Free Speech and the Criminalization of…

I have a dream
40 min

I have a dream

The ultimate Hackerspace; From Panopticon-prison to…

The spectre of hardware bugs
65 min

The spectre of hardware bugs

How to avoid the security meltdown.

The future of private clouds
63 min

The future of private clouds

Where is Nextcloud going