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Multi-build Python
14 min

Multi-build Python

Shipping modules for multiple version of Python, all at once

Dissecting HDMI
63 min

Dissecting HDMI

Developing open, FPGA-based capture hardware for conference…

Software Defined Emissions
60 min

Software Defined Emissions

A hacker’s review of Dieselgate

Vehicle immobilization revisited
55 min

Vehicle immobilization revisited

Uncovering and assessing a second authentication mechanism…

Cyber all the Wassenaars
58 min

Cyber all the Wassenaars

Export controls and exploit regulations: braindead and…

Science for future?
63 min

Science for future?

What we can and need to change to keep climate change low -…

The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)
40 min

The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)

Building the biggest optical telescope on earth