Search for "sva"

sva erzaehlt von Indien
51 min

sva erzaehlt von Indien

hillhacks - hacking and making in the Himalayas

Safety on the Open Sea
59 min

Safety on the Open Sea

Safe navigation with the aid of an open sea chart.

SVG verstehen und animieren
50 min

SVG verstehen und animieren

Einführung in das Dateiformat SVG und Animationen mit…

SVG as the single source of truth
13 min

SVG as the single source of truth

The designer version control of the future?

Let's roll out mass encryption!
58 min

Let's roll out mass encryption!

'Cause mass surveillance is there for too long already

34C3 Abschluss
46 min

34C3 Abschluss


The hills are alive with the sound of hacking ... don't wake the monkeys!
69 min

The hills are alive with the sound of hacking ... don't wake the monkeys!

The State of the Hack in India. A place to be^W hack in the…

Was ist das Internet …
60 min

Was ist das Internet …

… wo kommt es her, wo geht es hin?

Taler - Talk
40 min

Taler - Talk

Electronic payments for a liberal society!