Search for person "Christian Staudt"

"Hallo Welt" in Assembler
60 min

"Hallo Welt" in Assembler

Programmieren ist das neue Latein. Wie bringen wir es unter…

DG84: Connect St Helena
86 min

DG84: Connect St Helena

Unterseekabel für 4500 Menschen mitten im Südatlantik

Pushing the frontiers of Information Extraction:
63 min

Pushing the frontiers of Information Extraction:

A Strategy for for Identifying Calls for Action in Texts…

Hacking into TomTom Go
52 min

Hacking into TomTom Go

Reverse-Engineering des Embedded-Linux-Navigationssystems

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption
58 min

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption

A brief introduction to search over encrypted data