Search for "Pascal K"

TrustZone is not enough
31 min

TrustZone is not enough

Hijacking debug components for embedded security

60 min


Autonomous flying vehicles, where are we and where are we…

Programming FPGAs with PSHDL
61 min

Programming FPGAs with PSHDL

Let's create the Arduino for FPGAs

Growing Up Software Development
31 min

Growing Up Software Development

From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future

BBSs and early Internet access in the 1990ies
61 min

BBSs and early Internet access in the 1990ies

Modems, FIDO, Z-Netz, Usenet, UUCP, SLIP and ISDN

Hacker Jeopardy
147 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Zahlenraten für Geeks [Number guessing for geeks]