Search for "Phils"

TAPS Transport Services API
44 min

TAPS Transport Services API

Retiring the BSD Socket API

Warum die Card10 kein Medizinprodukt ist
62 min

Warum die Card10 kein Medizinprodukt ist

Was müssen Medizinproduktehersteller einhalten (und was…

58 min


Ein Computerwurm für PLCs

What Price the Upload Filter?
54 min

What Price the Upload Filter?

The history and costs of government exceptional access

RAMN: Resistant Automotive Miniature Network
61 min

RAMN: Resistant Automotive Miniature Network

A safe platform to study and research automotive systems

Decoding the LoRa PHY
64 min

Decoding the LoRa PHY

Dissecting a Modern Wireless Network for the Internet of…

Attacking end-to-end email encryption
60 min

Attacking end-to-end email encryption

Efail, other attacks and lessons learned.