Search for person "Jérémie Zimmermann"
61 min
A Positive agenda against the next ACTA, SOPA, and such
64 min
How do we counter the memes of control?
57 min
Status update on current legislation, campaigns and actions
101 min
Tactical and ethical care for all
55 min
ACTA, IPRED3 and other upcoming battles of the crusade…
66 min
Pan-european activism for patching a "pirated" law
58 min
How to attempt to counter the influence of industry…
60 min
How citizens can hack the legislative process to protect…
59 min
The Days of Plenty Are Yet to Come
57 min
It's not only Hollywood who is out of ideas
62 min
Sharing experience about campaigning on the political field…
43 min
Container und Kubernetes im Embedded-Umfeld
57 min
What hacking has to do with avantgarde art of the 1960ies…
55 min
Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft
68 min
Das große Bits&Bäume-Finale
58 min
Wo verlaufen die roten Linien bei der Energiewende"